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Are you an MPS employee who wants to bring a therapy dog to your campus?

  • Do you have a dog you’d like to train for the Paws & Peers program? Is your dog a “people pup” who loves affection, being handled, and the excitement of being around lots of kids or teens? The cost of the training and testing is $300. There may be other costs (crate, collar, leash, veterinary exam) depending on what you already own. Grants are available if you need financial assistance. Obedience training is 6 weeks long and therapy training is 8 weeks long. They are usually taken back to back.

  • Are you interested in adopting a shelter dog and training it for the Paws & Peers program? We partner with the Arizona Humane Society, Arizona Animal Welfare League, and Maricopa County Animal Care & Control to identify compatible shelter dogs for school staff to adopt and have trained.

  • Are you an MPS administrator who’d like to bring the program to your campus? We can work with you to make that happen!

Fill out the form to the right!